6 Simple Strategies to Improve Staff Communication and Visibility

Rob Press
Tags: talent management

6 Simple Strategies to Improve Staff Communication and Visibility

Manufacturing is a competitive industry, and without communication between team members and management, chaos can ensue. After all, the stakes are high — one wrong move can lead to disastrous consequences.  

A crucial aspect in preventing this is visibility. When leaders are visible and accessible, employees feel connected to the organization and are more likely to be motivated and engaged, leading to a more productive and efficient facility.

When improving the communication and visibility at your manufacturing facility, there are six simple strategies to help ensure your success.

#1: Implement an Open-Door Policy

An open-door policy encourages employees to approach management with their ideas or concerns without fear of retaliation. This creates an environment of trust and transparency where everyone feels valued and heard.

Open-Door Policy

"A set of workplace rules that encourage employees to discuss any job-related ideas or issues with their immediate supervisors or any senior-level managers that they feel comfortable discussing these topics with."
Source: HubSpot

When employees feel comfortable approaching management, they are more likely to be engaged in their work and invested in the company’s success. The valuable insights and suggestions they share can:

By listening toand acting on these suggestions, management fosters a culture of innovation and continuous improvement.

#2: Have Regular Staff Meetings

Regularly scheduled meetings with employees ensure all team members are working towards the same goals and are addressing issues in a timely and effective manner. Regular meetings include daily huddles, weekly meetings and one-on-one meetings.

Daily huddles are quick ways to:

These meetings are usually led by the line supervisor and only involve a small number of employees at a time.

Weekly meetings are usually held between the head of the facility and the section managers. During these meetings, they:

One-on-one meetings may be rare and only necessary in special cases where there is a problem or conflict that needs to be addressed. 

#3: Provide Communication and Team Building Training

Training programs and workshops on communication skills and team building are effective ways to improve workplace communication, collaboration and performance. They help the employees develop various communication skills such as:

By bringing employees together in a non-work setting, team-building activities help to break down barriers and encourage greater cooperation and collaboration. This can lead to:

Did You Know?

51% of millennial workers think that team-building activities help retain talent.
Source: BetterUp

#4: Collect Feedback from Employees

Surveys distributed through email or other online platforms can be a great way to collect timely feedback from employees. As an added benefit, their responses can be anonymous, which helps garner honest feedback.   

From this feedback, you gain valuable insights concerning confidence levels, concerns, and suggestions for improvement. Use this to identify:

Surveys also track progress over time, allowing you to measure the effectiveness of initiatives and programs designed to improve workplace culture and employee engagement.

For example, Hilton implemented various initiatives,such as their senior leadership business immersion program. This program allows leaders to foster a deeper understanding of how the hotel operates and gain insights into the challenges faced by the front-line workers.

As a manufacturer, consider setting aside some time each month to have leadership work or interact with plant floor staff during their daily operations to increase engagement and foster better communication.

#5: Implement Employee Recognition Programs

When employees feel recognized and appreciated for their hard work, they are more likely to feel a sense of loyalty to the company. This is particularly important for companies in industries that are facing a labor shortage or those in highly competitive markets where retaining skilled employees is crucial.

Employee recognition programs range from simple gestures of appreciation to more formal awards and financial bonuses. These initiatives are powerful tools for boosting employee motivation and workplace engagement. By acknowledging and rewarding outstanding performance, employees feel appreciated for their contributions to the company.

#6: Organize Social Activities

Social activities can be a fun way to promote team bonding and communication in a manufacturing setting. Employees can interact outside of the workplace, which builds relationships and fosters a sense of community.

If your workforce is largely comprised of young professionals, they may be interested in activities like concerts or sporting events. If you have employees with families, they may prefer picnics or holiday parties that include activities for their children.

When team members have the chance to socialize in a relaxed setting, they are more likely to share ideas or concerns they aren’t comfortable discussing in a formal work environment.

Keep in mind, these activities shouldn’t occur outside of normal working hours; to minimize production disruptions, make sure to use your manufacturing staff scheduling app.


Worker communication and visibility are vital to the success of any manufacturing organization. This helps foster a sense of teamwork and collaboration, while visibility helps leaders connect with their employees and provide guidance and support. 

In the highly competitive world of manufacturing, failing to prioritize these critical factors can lead to low morale and decreased productivity. Start investing in these crucial ideas today, and watch as your manufacturing operations reach new heights of success.