NAM, Pennsylvania manufacturers partner on new statewide initiative

National Association of Manufacturers
Tags: manufacturing

As a part of its “Manufacturing Means Jobs!” campaign, the National Association of Manufacturers (NAM), in partnership with the Pennsylvania Manufacturers’ Association (PMA), on September 22 announced the formation of a statewide manufacturing group to educate and inform candidates and members of Congress on key issues impacting manufacturing. This initiative is outlined in the NAM’s “Manufacturing Strategy for Jobs and a Competitive America.”

“As manufacturers, we know much is at stake. We need the right battle plan in order for manufacturing to continue to lead our economic recovery, create jobs and compete in the global marketplace,” said NAM executive vice president Jay Timmons. “Through our joint efforts, we will mobilize Pennsylvania’s manufacturers to ensure Congress and those seeking federal office take a comprehensive view of what policies are needed – and we will be asking them to join us in publicly supporting a pro-manufacturing agenda.”

Leading this effort for manufacturers in Pennsylvania are companies throughout the state, including:

To read the NAM’s Manufacturing Strategy, visit

The National Association of Manufacturers is the nation’s largest industrial trade association, representing manufacturers in every industrial sector and in all 50 states. Manufacturing has a presence in every single congressional district providing good, high-paying jobs.

Founded in 1909 by Bucks County industrialist and U.S. Senator Joseph Grundy, the Pennsylvania Manufacturers' Association is a Harrisburg-based statewide trade organization representing the interests of the manufacturing sector in the commonwealth's public-policy process. To learn more about our organization and its work, visit