Videos: The history and importance of the assembly line

RP news wires, Noria Corporation

From the Model T to fully robotic factories, take a 100-year tour of the most important component of modern industrial production.

When Henry Ford started building the Model T on an assembly line, he didn't just revolutionize the fledgling automobile industry. He changed the world.

Few breakthroughs have had as significant and lasting an impact as the development of the modern assembly line, but, frankly, what else could be expected from the wholesale re-engineering of the basic means of production! ASSEMBLY LINE visits the factory floor for an up-close look at how a modern production line functions, and traces the engineering breakthroughs and world events that helped shape it. Archival footage shows how far we have come from Henry Ford's seminal line, and four generations of assembly line workers reflect on the way their work - and the world - has been changed by the evolution of automated manufacturing methods.

While the basic principles of the assembly line technique have not changed in 100 years, the people and the products that exploit it have.

Access this 50-minute video series (five videos) by clicking on the links below.